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Home » I Hit My Mailbox, Will My Car Insurance Pay?
septiembre 22, 2020

I Hit My Mailbox, Will My Car Insurance Pay?

I Hit My Mailbox, Will My Car Insurance Pay?  

We’ve all made careless mistakes from time to time, including behind the wheel. If you have ever backed into your mailbox, you might find yourself annoyed, but hopefully unharmed. Your car, however, might sustain damage and so might the mailbox. As a result, you might have to file a claim against your car insurance to make the necessary repairs. You will still have to make sure that your policy covers the cost of the damage, however. Sometimes, limits on coverage might apply. 


Getting Car Insurance for Mailbox Collisions  

When driving, you are ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle. If you have ever hit another object, therefore, then the accident is likely your fault. After all, an inanimate object cannot suddenly appear in the roadway. As a result, you will have to use your own car insurance to pay for the damage costs.  

Suppose, for example, that when backing out of your driveway one day, you miscalculate your clearance and hit your mailbox. The bumper and sides of the car sustain various dents and damage. You’ll probably want to have the car repaired. However, you’ll have to make sure your car insurance applies.  

Car Insurance for Object Collisions  

On its face, car insurance is likely able to help you pay for the damage caused by backing into your mailbox. This accident was obviously something you didn’t plan or intend to happen. Still, you might find your coverage is more limited than you thought. 

  • To pay for damage to your car, you will likely have to make sure you have collision insurance on the policy. Collision coverage pays for damage to the vehicle that occurs when you hit something. It goes without saying that hitting your mailbox falls into this category. However, many car insurance policies don’t automatically include collision insurance. If you don’t indicate you want coverage when you buy your policy, then you won’t have it unless you add it later. You cannot add it after an accident and expect it to apply retroactively.  

  • Most collision policies will include damage deductibles. You will have to pay the cost of the deductible towards the repair costs on your own. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and sustain $3,000 in damage, then you will pay $500 and your policy will pay the remaining $2,500. If the cost of the damage is less than the deductible, then you cannot receive any help from the policy. 

To determine how your policy will pay for your vehicle’s damage, talk to your insurer. They can help work out if your collision insurance will apply to your vehicle’s damage. Keep in mind, however, that car insurance won’t pay for damage to the mailbox itself. You will have to pay for the repairs using a separate outlet.

 Call us today at (915) 599-2900 or visit to see how we can help you.


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