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Home » Why You Should Get Life Insurance Before a Child’s Birth
enero 12, 2021

Why You Should Get Life Insurance Before a Child’s Birth

Why You Should Get Life Insurance Before a Child’s Birth 

Becoming a parent is perhaps one of the most life-changing things that any of us could ever experience. After the birth of a first child, you probably know that your future looks a lot different, and it might be time to take a step back and re-evaluate your financial goals. After all, you want to be able to support your child financially, no matter what.

To be sure you are prepared for anything, it is a good idea to consider that now might be the right time to get life insurance. After all, you never know what might happen before your child comes of age, and they might need to rely on your life insurance benefits for their ongoing support. Let’s take a closer look at why, as a new parent, life insurance should be near the top of your list of priorities.




Why First-Time Parents Need Life Insurance

Buying life insurance for yourself means creating financial security for your loved ones in the event of tragedy. After all, if you die before the mortgage is paid, or before the kids go to college, then your family might face hardships. However, the death benefit provided by your life insurance will help enable you to leave a settlement to your loved ones and ease their burdens.

This is particularly helpful when it comes to the costs of raising a child. No one wants to die while their child is still their dependent. However, the sad reality is that no one knows when they will die. The good thing about quality life insurance is that it will help ensure that a child will always be taken care of even if you aren’t there yourself.

While your child is a minor, the money provided by life insurance can help with any number of their needs. It can support their college tuition, cover their medical bills if they have a health condition, or simply help their other parent or guardian cover the everyday costs of raising a child. Plus, if you want the money within your life insurance to go to a specific purpose, then you can direct that money into a trust. The trust will contain rules on how the money is to be used, and therefore you can rest assured that it will go to a child’s needs.

Should I Consider Life Insurance for My Child?

Many insurers offer child life insurance policies. Child life insurance policies are designed not only to cover the risk of a tragedy, but also to build a financial future for the child. Many insurers offer whole-life policies for young children, which the child can continue to carry even after they have grown up and moved away. These policies will also offer cash value incentives, which your child can use as an investment throughout their life.

So, don’t hesitate to consider the benefits of a childhood life insurance policy, and use it in conjunction with the rest of your family’s life insurance benefits to create a lot of security for the future.

Call us today at (915) 599-2900 or visit to see how we can help you.

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