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Home » Archives for nbcmedia


June 16, 2024

Should I Use an Insurance Broker or Insurance Agent?

The terminology of any industry can often sound like “insider language” or jargon, with multiple phrases being regularly used, as if everyone understands what they mean. For example, titles for insurance professionals who work with clients can include Broker, Agent, Producer, Advisor, Solicitor, and even Consultant.  I ’ve been asked before about each of these […]
March 31, 2024

More Than Insurance: Mt. Franklin Gives Back in El Paso and San Antonio

At Mt. Franklin Insurance, we take pride in being more than just an insurance provider. We’re a team woven into the fabric of the communities we serve, in El Paso and San Antonio. We understand that true security goes beyond protecting your possessions – it’s about fostering a sense of well-being for everyone around us. […]
February 7, 2024

What Insurance do Experts Recommend for New Businesses?

When starting a new business, entrepreneurs can be faced with a dizzying list of tasks.  From negotiating a lease, to setting up an accounting system, to figuring out how to get trash picked up, new business owners sometimes spend more time setting up a business than practicing their actual trade. Insurance is often seen as […]

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